Community Activity
Disabled apps
Friends!Lately Im getting lots of cases regarding apps not starting on our dedicated devices managed in Intune. Edge is the most common problem.If I start Google Play on an effected device I see that the app is disabled. Pressing the Enable button do...
How to obtain the eSIM EID (Embedded Identification Document) from a device with DO (Device Owner) active?
Hello,We are looking to implement the functionality to provision eSIM profiles on devices with Android 15+. However, we encountered a telecom provider that requires the EID of the devices before providing us with the eSIM activation code.In this init...
Mass deregister from ZTP
Hello I currently have one client with 1000+ devices. Sometimes, there is need to deregister sopme devices (for example when they are send to repair). Is there any faster way to mass deregister devices from ZTP than searching them one by one? I mean,...
How can I become Enter the Android Enterprise EMM community and become Android Enterprise Partner?
I submitted my application for Android Enterprise Mobile Management for my company, but it was rejected. Please help me understand the reasons for this rejection, or assist me in obtaining approval. Alternatively, let me know the requirements for tha...
[Guide] First aid for bug reports
Hi! Mobile devices are quite complex and fast- changing. Errors sometimes sneak in and as a UEM administrator you often have to find a solution.If in doubt, the UEM manufacturer is the first point of contact, but if it is an app or OEM-specific err...
Device provisioning failures
Is anybody having issues onboarding devices into their EMM? We are getting a lot of issues where devices are getting stuck at "Updating device" (see picture below), and it has been like that since approximately Jan. 27 2025. Behavior looks similar to...
Can we restrict use of mobile network and only allow use of WIfi using android management APi policy
Zero Touch setup with the restore from old device function
Hello everyone,In the last few days, we have noticed that when a device is set up via ZeroTouch and the restore function is used from an old device, we receive a message that the device has not been set up properly and that it will automatically rese...
Sporadic problems with Managed Google Play after enrollment
Hi! We had problems with a few devices after enrollment today. The Managed Play Store did not work properly. Restarting and waiting seems to help. SymptomsEmpty collection in Managed Google PlaySpaceship error, because supposedly no apps were made av...
Do you really need a long pass code on Android?
Do you really need a long complicated pass code on Android? Traditionally, IT admins applied similar pass code requirements to Android devices as with server and desktop operating systems. However, this approach can be excessive and unnecessarily ...
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