Forum Posts

Welcome to the Admin discussion board!

Hello everyone, Welcome! If you are business admin or IT owner (or equivalent) and you are starting out with your research on managing devices/apps for your organization; or perhaps you are currently going through set-up and have questions this is th...

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Lizzie by Google Community Manager
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Private Space

Hi dev,I have idea about new featue private space ,This time we create olny one privte space , it thought it move to user base private space  if we have 3 different IDlogin then user create 3 private space , and we login this ID in another device tha...

SyedMoiz by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Why CellularTwoGState not working ?

Based on documentation of android management api I have an android 14 device and I want to disable toggling mobile data on or off but when I set policy CELLULAR_TWO_G_DISABLED it is now works as expected.Please help me to achive this. Thanks in advan...

mhfaruk by Level 2.0: Eclair
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Android Auto with COPE

We enroll devices into intune as COPE, but we are finding issues when users connect the device to android auto, any stored contacts in the work profile do not feed through. Has anybody come across this before? or know if there is a way to share conta...

The_pixel by Level 1.6: Donut
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managed google play account, disconnect MDM

Dear Community,   We are planning to discontinue our Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, which is connected to a managed Google Play account.   We have uploaded several private applications that appear to be permanently locked to this account. F...

w4lter by Level 2.0: Eclair
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