Google Over-the-Air (GOTA) - How does it work?

Level 2.0: Eclair


Apologies for putting this as a generic query. I'm trying to find some answers to below questions regarding the working of GOTA solution. 

1) Is GOTA a SaaS solution provided by google where authorized device resellers can create accounts and add customer devices for managing OTA updates?

2) Do each reseller (Eg- HMD, Samsung etc.) maintain separate tenant in GOTA or it is just a separate account within one tenant?

3) If an organization is already using GOTA services through one reseller (Eg- Samsung), what is the process for setting up GOTA services with a different reseller (HMD)? Once signed-up will the customer devices be maintained in two separate tenants/accounts within GOTA?

4) Is there a default behavior for OTA update release on GOTA devices? Will they be blocked from receiving any updates until customer approval or will they receive all updates by default until customer asks the reseller to block a particular update?



Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Hi @Kumaresh90 


Good questions! Not wholly enterprise but I have experience managing OTA updates with GOTA working in an OEM so -


GOTA is only available to OEMs. Hardware resellers don't see it. Each OEM has their own account and devices when approved by Google are registered into GOTA for update management by the OEM. 


If a customer happens to have a custom certified software SKU (image), some control over update frequency and schedule is possible through working directly with the OEM, otherwise no, your devices will see the same schedule all others on that SKU will, and you'll need to lean on alternative APIs (such as system update management) to schedule/postpone them. 


There are OTA platforms outside of GOTA, such as Samsung's e-FOTA, Motorola and HMD have their own also. These function wholly the same but offer customer control through direct customer portal access.


Hope that helps!

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Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Do you mean Recommended and Automatic? 


Automatic for non-AB devices will download and reboot the device to update with no user input, this can be disruptive. For AB devices it's similar but admins can set a reboot window instead. 


Preconfigurations define if Wi-Fi or cellular is used, but in all cases an OTA won't action unless the device is at minimum 20% battery when charging, or 40% when not charging, that can't be overridden.

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