Bluetooth bonding behaviour, when kioskCustomization.deviceSettings is set to SETTINGS_ACCESS_BLOCKED in android management policy

Level 1.5: Cupcake

Hey guys


I have developed an app which can turn on and turn off bluetooth as well as change some sound settings of the device. Toggling the bluetooth setting to on / off works fine, as does the different sound settings. The weird behaviour shows up when I try to bond a device. As I described in the title, my policy has the kioskCustomization.deviceSettings flag set to SETTINGS_ACCESS_BLOCKED. With this policy enforced, the bonding process doesnt work with my custom app and also does not work with the official android bluetooth settings (accessed over an intent)


I think this is a bug, because the phone can still bond to other devices if other devices advertise themselves to this phone.


Can you please help me with this?

