Android 14 - App in EMM work profile failing with Keystore not initialized

Level 1.5: Cupcake

Our team previously encountered this exact issue with Android 12:


The issue was mitigated on Google's side since Android 12.1, with no further customer reports. However, we are seeing it again on a customer device running Android 14. This is necessary for our app to use the work profile's biometric to authenticate into our app. No other customers (thousands) reported the issue, and we could not reproduce. We confirmed not just our app being affected by this, by checking other apps in the work profile that rely on biometrics, and they also failed to do so.


Eventually the customer was able to mitigate by reprovisioning their work profile. May be some bug/edge case during work profile provisioning and keystore availability. Any way we can workaround this programmatically/avoid this high customer friction of re-provisioning a work profile? Or perhaps something Google can ack/fix on their side in case of a regression since Android 14?


Level 2.3: Gingerbread

You should open a bug report with your EMM, and if you're the EMM raise this to Google with a proper bug report.

Next time this issue occurs make sure to create a bug report so that it can be investigated.

Level 1.5: Cupcake

This makes sense. Yes, we are the EMM. Would you mind pointing me in the direction of where/how that bug report should be generated and submitted to Google?

Level 1.5: Cupcake

[didn't meant to reply to my own post, disregard this]